Плюшевый терьерчик Тиша, симпатяга и обаяшка. Он не молод, но еще полон сил и с воодушевлением бегает на выгуле.
Тиша обладатель милой мордочки, персиковой шубки и тихого, спокойного, ненавязчивого характера. Песик станет замечательным компаньон для зимних вечеров в теплом доме и неспешных прогулок по парку.
Возраст около 8 лет, рост 55 см в холке. Кастрирован.
8-903-232-87-33 Марина (ТИМА)
8-965-110-17-47 Наташа (Таша71)
8-916-120-10-49 Ольга (Петровна)
05 августа 2013г.
Тишка нашёл семью в Гремании.
Tisha at foster's....................Bitter fates
Plush terrier mix boy Tisha is a cutie and a charmer. He is not young, but still full of energy and runs outside with enthusiasm.
Tisha has a cute face, peach colored coat and quiet, calm and unobtrusive character. This dog will become a wonderful companion for the winter evenings in your warm house and slow walks in the park.
He is about 8 years old, 35-40 cm tall, neutered.

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Безумно рада за Тишу! Видела его на выгуле в начале лета,очень спокойный рассудительный мальчик,я ещё поинтересовалась,почему у него такая дрожь в задних лапках,отличительная его черта,но к счастью она не помешала ему найти семью!) Это огромное счастье,когда немолодые собы,которые уже успели многое пережить,наконец уходят на заслуженный отдых в хорошую жизнь.
Мне написал врач, которому я дополнительно отсылала рентген позвоночника, его резюме и вывод.
У Тиши не только начальная стадия спондилеза, но и то, что не увидел первый врач, а именно:
синдром конского хвоста (сочетание асимметричных периферических параличей стоп, отсутствия ахилловых рефлексов, гипестезии и болей в области ног и промежности с нарушением функций тазовых органов) в поясничном позвонке и копчиковом позвонке. Отсюда - и дрожь в ногах и его неконтролированное мочеиспускание.
Thank you so much!
He is sweet as sugar!!!
But I think he's in pain because he carries his tail as high.
I will show the video to my vet and hear what he has to say.
he is the star!
the files are heavy
when you see green and red signs
the green - is to load the file quickly
the red - regular loading
files 1416, 1419 - it can be seen - how his legs are trembling - when he stands
I will cross all I have
and I am sure all our girls too
I've just spoken with Natasha - they will make video of this sunny boy tomorrow
by the way - this is my cage (I can not name these cages in some other way...they look as if they were built for birds - as for their sizes)
my Ryzhulia - adopted by us
Pufa - adopted by Natasha
Tosya - died more than month ago of cancer (she was lucky to leave the shelter - at least at the end of her life she learned how to smile)
and I call this cage - a lucky cage
hope Tisha (his name can be translated like "quiet") - will be among those lucky - and will go to Germany...who knows...
Thank you! I will continue to say so.
He already has people who are interested in them. Please cross your fingers.
as for his possible health problems - it's absolutely unpredictable...
as for his current state - his hindfeet are tremblimg when he stands..
when he walks - no
I believe he did not walk for much time and just was in zimnik...that's why he has no muscular mass in those hindfeet
+ he is extremely thin....bones....just bones...no fat...
so - he must eat well to get some weight
he is charming, to tell you the truth, I am not crazy about terriers, not my type of dogs...but I ador Chucha http://vao-priut.org/image/27 + him + a girl terrier with whom our puppy plays (where we live) she was also adopted from some moscow region shelter (I was suprised to hear that - as in the district we live in moscow - russians prefer to have bred dogs - as I say - of course - all their (people) ancestors were earls...........)
as for video - now we are reparing our flat...as our puppy (little pony) ruined it
our rabbits helped him... 
but - I asked our girls who will go there tommorow - to do this in case they have time for this
Marina, thanks for the information!
What diseases did he (except the missing teeth)?
If time is a little over the weekend, you could make a little video of him?
Here are a lot of enthusiasm in Germany by Tisha
Tisha is some 7-8 years
with no lower cutting teeth - it's a problem for him to eat that dry food provided for the dogs in the shelter
he is given canned food - which he eats with pleasure
I am not aware - whether he is given canned food on a daily basis - but on Saturday - I saw him eating it
he is nice, tender, sweet
as you might know - it's prety tought to find parents here in russia - as we offten call here people who adopt dogs - as he is not young and probably not that healthy((( as people prefer - unfortunately - young, pretty, healthy....
Is it boy or girl?
it is a boy)
ой, Тишунечка уже в каталоге!!!
он славный, добрый и абсолютно неконфликтный!
опекуны у него Наташа Таша 71 и Оля Петровна
Б 22