Смешная и длинноногая Тростинка очень хочет найти дом и любящую семью.
Активная, веселая, контактная, обожает дружить как с людьми, так со своими сородичами. Умеет гулять на поводке, с удовольствием угощается вкусняшками, а еще она разговаривает – иногда она лает будто хочет что-то рассказать. Кстати, это показатель того, что Тростинка не задавлена психологически непростой приютской жизнью – ведь многие собаки просто молчат.
В общем, чудо супер и мега классная собака, подарок судьбы и источник позитива!
Обратите на нее внимание и приезжайте знакомиться! Ведь такой Тростинка будет не всегда, она может и загрустить!
Рост в холке примерно 55 см/ вес примерно 18-20 кг
Примерный месяц и год рождения – январь 2014 г.
Попала в приют в апреле 2017 г.
Номер чипа 643099000317603
Карточка учета № 7053
Привита, стерилизована.
8-926-690-67-08 Анна (brusnika)
8-926-530-16-86 Елена (Philka)
В память: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLCdnkFnaEf/
Funny and long-legged Trostinka (Reed) wants to find a home and loving family.
Active, cheerful, sociable, friendly with people as well as with other dogs. It knows how to walk on a leash. Likes dog snacks and sweets. Sometimes it tryes to talk, Trostinka barks like if it wants to tell something. By the way, it is the indication that her difficult life in the shelter did not crush it psychologically. Lots of dogs are simply silent.
In General, Trostinka is a marvel, super and mega cool dog, gift of fortune and source of positivity!
Pay attention to Trostinka and come to meet us!
Unfortunately, everything can be changed and Trostinka may become sad and closed nature without home.
Height at withers is approximately 55 cm / weight is approximately 18-20 kg
The approximate month and year of birth – January 2014
Came to the shelter in April 2017.
The chip number 643099000317603
Card account No. 7053
Vaccinated, neutered.
8-915-096-57-66 Evgenija (Женя81)
8-926-530-16-86 Elena (Philka)
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Funny and long-legged Trostinka (Reed) wants to find a home and loving family.
Active, cheerful, sociable, friendly with people as well as with other dogs. It knows how to walk on a leash. Likes dog snacks and sweets. Sometimes it tryes to talk, Trostinka barks like if it wants to tell something. By the way, it is the indication that her difficult life in the shelter did not crush it psychologically. Lots of dogs are simply silent.
In General, Trostinka is a marvel, super and mega cool dog, gift of fortune and source of positivity!
Pay attention to Trostinka and come to meet us!
Unfortunately, everything can be changed and Trostinka may become sad and closed nature without home.
Height at withers is approximately 55 cm / weight is approximately 18-20 kg
The approximate month and year of birth – January 2014
Came to the shelter in April 2017.
The chip number 643099000317603
Card account No. 7053
Vaccinated, neutered.
8-915-096-57-66 Evgenija (Женя81)
8-926-530-16-86 Elena (Philka)
Тростинка, ты супер девчонка! Мы держим кулачки за твое скорейшее пристройство