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My dear friends!
Finally it was time! Last weekend we had in Germany love visiting from Moscow.
From May 16 to 18 Jozejoze was in Frankfurt / Main, to meet some animal rights activists and former shelter dogs.
She came with Sveta and Dmitri and brought four dogs that were eagerly awaited here by their families.
Vahmurka / Mitja (A 78), Silvia (formerly A 56), Silver (D 148) and Altay (C 26).
Our common friend, Coco, lives near Frankfurt on an old mill. There is a dog hotel.
Coco pulled Elena and the dogs on Friday morning from the airport.
Then they went together to the mill, where Bibi and Hille waited (our hardworking volunteers in Germany). Shortly after I arrived in Frankfurt.
Hille meets Tarek(Coco's dog)
We first ate lunch together and Elena meets Baby Carl.
Then we were with the dogs at the outlet.
Elena and me (with Little Socke) in the sun:
Elena has Henrick (C 85) and Varya / Cookie (A 129) to be seen again. With Henrick and Cookie we made a walk together in the forest.
There is a saying: "When angels travel ..." And so it was. We had the whole weekend great weather with bright sunshine.
In the evening we drove a few miles to a disused railway station, where our friend lives (and animal rights activist in Spain) Lucky.
There, we ate dinner together, there was asparagus. Yummy ..)))
After we sat for a few hours comfortable in the kitchen and told with hands and feet (of course about dogs ...) are Elena and I went to sleep.
Lucky has a very nice Swedish guest house.
On Saturday Elena and I were up for lunch alone at the station. We enjoyed it very much with a lot of coffee and cigarettes;-)))
From midday then the first guests came from all parts of Germany.
Coco distribute name tags, because many of the people have never seen before. We made until late evening a long BBQ.
The sun was shining, the people were in a good mood and the dogs were all together peacefully. It was a wonderful atmosphere.
On Sunday afternoon, it was said goodbye with many tears again!
It was a beautiful and unforgettable weekend, we would like to repeat next year.
Maybe have one or the other desire to be in the next year with us?
But enough blabbing: Here come the photos!
Sit back and enjoy! )))
Arrival at the station
Elena and one of the foster Dogs from Lucky
The Dogs eats with us ))
Mitja, Silver and Silva arrived on Saturday to the station.
Dogs guard are totally overrated ...)))
Silvia said that this is much better without the grille and the front bumper is much nicer anyway.
Mitya had already opened on Friday on the way from the airport to mill his own box and crawled forward.
Let's Party ...
Anne brought fresh bread with Barbecue
Gerry from Sektor A
To be continued ...
Silver with his "Mummy" Irmi
and Mitja too ...
Sara (Silver will live with her)
In the Background you can see "our" Sweden House
Amber - a very very very nice dog on wheels!!!
To be continued ...
Scooby Doo (from sector is the Sherriff of the Shelter celebration in June in Filderstadt.
Unsere Omi ist blind und taub, aber sie war immer mitten drin...
To be continued ...
Sara hunted for hours mice in the wood. It comes with their bikes everywhere - and it is fast)) Like Speedy Gonzales
Harry/Yuma (C 135)
This is Claudia / Lucky, the station chief)))
Breakfast on Sunday Morning
To be continued ...
This little chocolate dwarf was completely in love with Elena.
Karo and Anne
"Little" Nikita - Who would have recognized him?
Gaya - on four (!!!) legs - so sweet little Girl!
Anne is a Blues Brother
To be continued ...
On Saturday we had yet to provide an emergency. What's it like in animal welfare ... always in use)))
A small bat.
Tomorrow come back for more photos.
I need a break .. )))
Вряд ли найдутся слова, чтобы выразить всю глубину светлых и благодарных мыслей всем немецким друзьям!
СПАСИБО всем-всем, и немецким и нашим волонтерам за эту настоящую неподдельную радость за спасенных из России и других нецивилизованных стран собак!
Thank you so much, dear Birgit, for this thread! It will exactly help a lot of people in Russia to understand, that the dogs are in loving hands!!!!!!!!
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