Шини Д 132
Шини Д 132

чип 643110800015329
Дата рождения 01.01.2017 г.
В приюте с 29.03.2017 г.
Молодая девочка, осторожная, стеснительная, но доверчивая. Будет самой любящей собакой.
В ней чувствуется порода, благородный вид и характер.

8-903-208-37-76 Яна (Jane_U)
8-916-758-92-83 Наталья (Natina)

11 июля 2018г.
Шини дома

Sheeny is a modest, beautiful, intelligent, kind and perfectly sweet dog. She is a bit shy and modest, especially with new people.

Volunteers think that Sheeny has a great personality. She is very well behaved.
We believe that Sheeny will be the perfect pet for her future family!

She was born in January 2017

She was put in a shelter in March 2017

She has all necessary injections, spayed

Her Chip № is 643110800015329

Should you have any question please contact Jana (Jane_U) in the forum or call/text 8-903-208-3776 or Natalia 8(916)758-92-83 (Natina).

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ДОМАШНЯЯ С 11/07/2018

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