Сектор С
аватар: Татьяна71
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Зарегистрирован: 12/02/2015
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Лена, я имела в виду, подсыпать корм в те вольеры , где он моментально съедается, как Вы в секторе Б писали.

аватар: Gigolo
Не в сети
Зарегистрирован: 21/02/2013
Сообщения: 646

Good Morning Friends,

a friend from the Animal Welfare is looking for a dog with special qualities. Girl or boy does not matter. The age does not matter.

1. The dog should be at least 70 cm tall, better even greater.

2. He/She should want to protect the land, but do not be aggressive.

3. The dog should like children and other dogs. With cats it needs to be able to live.

My friend lives on a farm. She has a two year old daughter. Foreign children often come to play.
There live there three dogs: A Dalmatian, a Chow Chow and a Jack Russel.
There live there also chickens, cats and sheep.

Because this court is very remote, come at night foxes and other wildlife to steal the chickens and sheep.

That's why it bulges a large dog, showing presence.

Please give me suggestions. It does not matter if the dog is in the Shelter or to a foster home.

I will gather all the proposals and forward them.

Thank you!

Best wishes, Birgit

аватар: Gigolo
Не в сети
Зарегистрирован: 21/02/2013
Сообщения: 646

Sorry, I've just forgotten:

The dog will live in the family and in the house. At night, he is going to sleep in the stables. But not in the hay, but on a Sofa Winking))

Best wishes, Birgit

аватар: Мэди
Не в сети
Зарегистрирован: 25/12/2011
Сообщения: 392

Gigolo писал(а):

Даги С 50 http://vao-priut.org/image/dagi-s-49 Марфа С 23 http://vao-priut.org/image/marfa-s23 Берта С34 http://vao-priut.org/image/berta-s-34

Пусть все, что имеет жизнь, будет избавлено от страдания (Будда Шакьямуни)

аватар: Gigolo
Не в сети
Зарегистрирован: 21/02/2013
Сообщения: 646

They are 70 cm?? Sorry

Best wishes, Birgit

аватар: Tatis
Не в сети
Зарегистрирован: 28/09/2011
Сообщения: 1215

Марфа С 23 http://vao-priut.org/image/marfa-s23 Берта С34 http://vao-priut.org/image/berta-s-34 are 70 cm.

http://vao-priut.org/image/dzhek-s-34 (Джек) 60- 65 cm
http://vao-priut.org/image/venya-s-26 (Веня) 65 -70 cm
http://vao-priut.org/image/tom-s-50 (Том) 70 cm
http://vao-priut.org/image/taiga-s-26 (Тайга) It has protective qualities and is very affectionate. 60 cm.

аватар: Gigolo
Не в сети
Зарегистрирован: 21/02/2013
Сообщения: 646

I know, there is a black big dog like Henrick in C. But I can't find him and I don't know his name ..

Best wishes, Birgit

аватар: Jozejoze
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Зарегистрирован: 24/07/2012
Сообщения: 3346

Birgit, Henrick was the biggest one in our sector. Tom C21, Venya C26, Marfa C23, Bertha C34, Lewis are about Henrick's size.

аватар: Jozejoze
Не в сети
Зарегистрирован: 24/07/2012
Сообщения: 3346

Jack looks very seriously, but he is soooo nice! He is about 65 am.

аватар: Tatis
Не в сети
Зарегистрирован: 28/09/2011
Сообщения: 1215

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